## caffe2 공부를 위해 caffe2 Tutorials을 보고 하고 있습니다.
알려주는 python 소스는 일부분만 표시되어있어
안좋은 머리로 나머지 소스를 붙여넣어 수행되는 소스를 기록하였습니다.
import skimage import skimage.io as io import skimage.transform import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot #IMAGE_LOCATION = "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/02/10/21/28/flower-631765_1280.jpg" IMAGE_LOCATION = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e1/Ananas.jpg" img = skimage.img_as_float(skimage.io.imread(IMAGE_LOCATION)).astype(np.float32) input_height, input_width = 224, 224 print("Original image shape:" + str(img.shape) + " and remember it should be in H, W, C!") print("Model's input shape is %dx%d") % (input_height, input_width) aspect = img.shape[1]/float(img.shape[0]) print("Orginal aspect ratio: " + str(aspect)) if(aspect>1): # landscape orientation - wide image res = int(aspect * input_height) imgScaled = skimage.transform.resize(img, (input_width, res)) if(aspect<1): # portrait orientation - tall image res = int(input_width/aspect) imgScaled = skimage.transform.resize(img, (res, input_height)) if(aspect == 1): imgScaled = skimage.transform.resize(img, (input_width, input_height)) pyplot.figure() pyplot.imshow(imgScaled) pyplot.axis('on') pyplot.title('Rescaled image\nbigsun84') print("New image shape:" + str(imgScaled.shape) + " in HWC") pyplot.show()
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